

storage closet with boxes and other items

Storage To Spare

The Voyage maximizes storage potential with a drop frame pass-through storage design and dedicated pantries.

front to back view of the Refrigerator, TV, theater seating, dinette, bathroom

Stay For Good

Be prepared for the long haul with washer and dryer prep on select floorplans, an optional king bed upgrade, 15 cubic ft. refrigerator, residential microwave, and larger water heater.

theater seating and dinette kitchen table

Adaptable Floorplans

From single-slide floorplans, to a triple-slide floorplan, the fully equipped Voyage can handle on-the-go plan changes with ease.

Enclosed docking station with hook-ups

Universal Docking Station

The Voyage’s enclosed universal docking station makes for easy and secure hookup to cords and connections at every stop.

LED light above entry way door

LED Lighting

The Voyage features all LED exterior lighting — with integrated backup lights —  for enhanced safety.