How to Use Winnebago's Roof Port Box & a Helpful Mod Option
See how one avid RVer makes the most of this great feature.

The roof port box is a great feature inlcuded in many Winnebago RVs. It is an easy way to safely pass cables through your RV's roof by drilling a hole in the box instead of having to drill a hole directly into your roof. In this video, James Adinaro of The Fit RV gives an overview of why he loves the roof port box on his Winnebago, how to use it, and how he has modified it to work even better for his tech needs!

NOTE: Any modifications made to your RV are done at your own risk. Please be sure to have a professional work on your RV if you are not confident in making the mods yourself.

If you have questions after watching the video, please head over to this page on The Fit RV's website to join the discussion! 

Are you a brand-new RVer? This beginner resource for understanding RV electrical systems is a great place to start learning about your RV. This guide to RV solar power is also helpful if you haven't quite gained a complete understanding of how your RV power works. Plus, learn more about Winnebago's power systems here.

For even more educational content, browse this section of the GoLife Blog!


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